The principle of development for the new Garden Community was established by the ‘North Essex Authorities’ Shared Strategic Section 1 Local Plan, agreed by Tendring District Council and Colchester City Council in 2021. Amongst other things, the plan identifies the area where the new Garden Community will be situated and the overarching requirements and expectations it should seek to meet.
By building a Garden Community, the pressure for existing towns and villages to expand around their edges across North Essex can be more carefully managed, and the required infrastructure for new housing can be properly and sustainably delivered.
The adoption of the Section 1 Local Plan followed years of technical analysis, public consultation, and an independent examination by a government-appointed Planning Inspector. The independent examination enabled the Planning Inspector to conclude that the Garden Community would be the most appropriate and sustainable option for meeting the need for long-term growth in the North Essex area.

Both Councils have subsequently led further consultation on the Development Plan Document (DPD) which gives greater detail on the adopted Section 1 Plan site allocation alongside some of the more technical expectations of the Garden Community. Latimer and the project team will be building on this work to date as it develops a more detailed masterplan for the area.